About us

Welcome to the CUPE Local 5176 website.

We are hard-working employees of EPIC Opportunities. We work to empower people living with intellectual disabilities to live in the community, rather than in institutions – so that they can live as friends, as neighbours, and as productive, included community members.

Your Executive Board

This is your current executive:

Position Name Contact
President Othello Wesee prexyzo2002@yahoo.com 204-291-5017
Acting President/Vice-President Vacant
Treasurer Linda Williams  a.linda.w@gmail.com 204-291-2527
Recorder Ben Idiomise bidod@gmail.com 
Richard Tolentino
Glenn Seifert
German Cruz Reyes 
Shop Stewards
Othello Wesee
Linda Williams
Richard Tolentino
David Smith
Marina Morelli
Ben Idiomise
German Cruz Reyes
Bargaining Committee
Othello Wesee
Richard Tolentino
National Representative
Claudia Colocho 204-942-0343 ext 218 ccolocho@cupe.ca


What we do

We love our work with people with intellectual disabilities, and we are proud to be represented by CUPE!

CUPE 5176 represents Epic Opportunities employees in community homes across Winnipeg.